Archeologické 3D virtuální muzeum
jazykové mutace CS EN

3D skeny - Kultura s vypíchanou keramikou

3D skeny - Kultura s vypíchanou keramikou


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Anderson, E. F. – McLoughlin, L. – Liarokapis, F. – Peters, Ch. – Petridis, P. – de Freitas, S. 2009: Serious Games in Cultural Heritage. The 10th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST – State of the Art Report, Aire-la-Ville, 29–48.

Květina, P. – Končelová, M. 2013a: From punch cards to virtual space. Changing the concept of archaeological
heritage management in the digital age. In: P. F. Biehl – Ch. Prescott eds., Heritage in the
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